Welcome To The State of Alabama Governors Page.

The crimson and white colors of the Alabama flag were officially adopted in the year 1895 by the Alabama legislature. The flag has two crimson bars in an X pattern that is similar to the St. Andrews Cross. There has been much debate since the creation of the flag over whether or not it is supposed to be rectangular or square shaped. It was not until 1987 that this matter was settled by then Attorney General Don Siegelman, who determined that since the flag had been reproduced so many times in the shape of a rectangle that it should continue in that manner from that point onwards.

State Capital: Montgomery
State Motto Latin: Audemus jura nostra defendere
State Motto: We dare to defend our rights
State Nickname: The Cotton State, The Yellowhammer State
United States Image Map
Alabama Governor Kay Ivey

        Republican Party
        Elected: 2018
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